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Distance by Haleh Jamali

Distance 2011

Site specific installation


Distance, consists of a series of twenty 

square size portraits exploring the depths 

of individuals' identity and examining the 

notion of distance in its personal and 

physical meaning. Some works are 

autobiographical and very personal which

have been informed by artist's personal 

experience while others respond to more 

collective experiences.

Muse 2011

Site specific installation


Muse explores the depths of identity.Individuals are 

captured in direct, intimate, and almost identical poses. 

Haleh expresses their sense of identity by looking at 

the relationship between them and the viewers as well 

as the relationship between the subjects themselves. 

Within these portraits are traces of their lives: tension, 

complexity, uncertainty, reassurance, and pleasure.

Muse by Haleh Jamali
Maral by Haleh Jamali

Maral 2010

Site specific installation


Maral is a series of three almost identical 

large painted portraits focusing on the 

viewer's gaze on the subject so that the 

viewer and subject experience a mutual 


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